diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5487b8f0dae58a480af02dd934c588893e444e9e..b925fb799decfc8adc84db65453bbb7729d2e318 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Full UNC path to 64-bit wpkg64.js
 Agreed-upon code your institution (see below)
 Full UNC path to the central software repository.
 Full UNC path to base of the central share.
 Username that should be used for connecting to WPKGSOFTWARE
@@ -29,18 +29,19 @@ Note: in general, the expectation is that environment variables with names start
 Share location
-* set WPKGSOFTWARE=\\ifs.ch.private.cam.ac.uk\deploy\software
-* set WPKGSHAREBASE=\\ifs.ch.private.cam.ac.uk\deploy
+* `set WPKGSOFTWARE=\\ifs.ch.private.cam.ac.uk\deploy\software`
+* `set WPKGSHAREBASE=\\ifs.ch.private.cam.ac.uk\deploy`
 Institute codes
-1. chemistry  
-Department of Chemistry
-2. maths  
-Faculty of Mathematics
+See https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ch/co/ucam_wpkg/-/wikis/Institute-codes
 Repository layout
-\packages - directory with multiple xml files, each of corresponds to an individual WPKG package definition
-\scripts - example scripts, e.g. wrappers around wpkg.js which map drives and set environment variables
+* packages: directory with multiple xml files, each of corresponds to an individual WPKG package definition
+* packages\wpkg\tools: scripts which are called from wpkg definition (see https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ch/co/ucam_wpkg/-/wikis/Helper-scripts-used-in-packages)
+* miscscripts: example scripts, e.g. wrappers around wpkg.js which map drives and set environment variables (see https://gitlab.developers.cam.ac.uk/ch/co/ucam_wpkg/-/wikis/Misc-other-scripts)
+* common-config: config files that are used in a wpkg for all institutions
+* %WPKGINSTITUTION%-config: config files specific to a particlar institution.