diff --git a/ROOT/usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/move-zpool.sh b/ROOT/usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/move-zpool.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d76130040eb79ba8af765d8b7d73d35e1755404d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ROOT/usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/move-zpool.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# To move the contents of a zpool, perhaps because the underlying disk is failing
+# This is incomplete and untested
+echo "This script is incomplete and should not be used yet"
+exit 1
+set -e
+set -x
+# Load some settings
+. /etc/default/zfs-backup
+function dosql() {
+ SQL="$1"
+ psql -t -c "$SQL"
+if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
+ echo Usage: $0 zpool new-zpool
+ echo Moves the content of old-zpool to new-zpool
+ exit 1
+# need to try to unexport nfs here, but failure isn't a worry
+set +e
+EXPORTS=`dosql "select zfs_target from backup_task where backup_task_id in (select backup_task_id from backup_task where zfs_target ~'^$OZ')"`
+for EXPORT in $EXPORTS ; do
+  exportfs -u $FQDN:/$EXPORT
+set -e
+echo moving $FQDN from $SOURCE to $TGT
+RUNNING=`dosql "select count(*) from backup_log natural join backup_task where backup_task.zfs_target ~ '^$OZ' and ended_processing is null and started_processing is not null"`
+RUNNING=`echo $RUNNING` # chomp
+if ! [ "$RUNNING" = 0 ] ;  then
+ echo $OZ has a job running
+ exit 3
+# De-queue jobs for this zpool
+dosql "delete from backup_log where backup_task_id in (select backup_task_id from backup_task where backup_task.zfs_target ~ '^$OZ') and ended_processing is null and started_processing is null;"
+# Update tasks
+dosql "update backup_task set zfs_target=regexp_replace(zfs_target,'^$OZ','$NZ') where backup_task.zfs_target ~ '^$OZ')"
+# Move ZFSes. Have to do this one at a time as some intermediates may already exist
+TIME=`date +%s`
+zfs snapshot -r $OZ@$TIME
+zfs hold zfs-moving $OZ@$TIME
+for ZC in $(zfs list -H -r -oname $OZ|grep -v reserved); do
+# check if this ZFS exists on NZ
+# if it doesn't, move it. Need to figure out the form of the target - sub NZ for OZ and strip off last component?
+  SIZE=`zfs list -H -o used $ZC`
+  echo Sending ZFS $ZC [ $SIZE]
+  zfs send -$ $ZC@${TIME} | mbuffer | zfs receive -e $NZ
+# Tidy up
+#zpool destroy $OZ