diff --git a/ROOT/DEBIAN/control b/ROOT/DEBIAN/control
index 6bfc990a770e7435fd83372946a0bb3c5f69373f..16c9f1e2055f36ee0016d7e929c52533a1745ac4 100644
--- a/ROOT/DEBIAN/control
+++ b/ROOT/DEBIAN/control
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Priority: optional
 Section: otherosfs
 Maintainer: Frank Lee <rl201@cam.ac.uk>
 Architecture: all
-Version: 0.9-ch45
+Version: 0.9-ch46
 Depends: zfs-dkms, postgresql, liblockfile-simple-perl, libdbi-perl, libjson-perl, libzfs-perl-chem, libnet-openssh-perl, libdbd-pg-perl, mbuffer, rsync, nfs-kernel-server, pv
 Description: a backup system using ZFS
  Ported (well, mostly) from FreeBSD to a Sane OS.
diff --git a/ROOT/usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/migrate-machine.sh b/ROOT/usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/migrate-machine.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c79f4483508c2236c8c29c2d61487eb2a02bb93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ROOT/usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/migrate-machine.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+set -e
+set -x
+# create a new ZFS filesystem for the target
+# look for all the rnspashots and sort by date
+# from oldest, rsync it into the ZFS and then snapshot it with a name that matches its old date and tag it matching old name
+if [ -z "$1" ] 
+ echo usage: $0 fqdn [zpool]
+ exit 1
+which bc >/dev/null || ( echo "Could not find bc command"; exit 1 )
+function ensurezpool() {
+ if [ -n "$1" ]
+ then
+  echo $1
+ else
+  ( for z in $(zpool list -H -oname)
+  do 
+   zfs list -H -p -oavail,name $z
+  done ) | sort -nr | head -1 | cut -f2
+ fi
+function ensurelv() {
+ LV=$(lvs -o lv_path --noheadings -S "lv_name=$1" | head -1 |sed 's/  *//')
+ if [ -z "$LV" ]
+ then
+  echo Cannot find LV for $SN
+  exit 2
+ fi
+ echo $LV
+function mount_lv() {
+ mkdir -p /rsnapshots/$2
+ mount $LV /rsnapshots/$2 2>/dev/null || echo already mounted
+function umount_lv() {
+ HN=$1
+ make -f /usr/local/rsnapshots/Makefile ${HN}-umount || umount -l /rsnapshots/$HN
+function ensure_zfs() {
+ ZPOOL=$1
+ HN=$2
+ QUOTA=$3
+ ZFS=$(zfs list -H -d1 -oname | grep $HN)
+ if [ -n "$ZFS" ]
+ then
+  >&2 echo ZFS $ZFS already exists, using that 
+ else
+  zfs create $ZFS
+  zfs create $ZFS/zfs-rsnap
+ fi
+ zfs set quota=$QUOTA $ZFS
+ echo $ZFS
+function get_quota() {
+ SIZE=$(lvs --no-headings -osize --units=b $1 | sed 's/  *//' | sed 's/B$//')
+ printf "%.0f\n" $(echo $SIZE*1.1 | bc)
+function sync_backups() {
+ HN=$1
+ ZFS=$2
+ TARGETDIR=$ZFS/zfs-rsnap
+ SOURCEDIR=/rsnapshots/$HN
+ for incremental in $(ls -tr $SOURCEDIR | grep -v 'lost+found')
+ do
+  TIME=$(stat -c "%Y" $SOURCEDIR/$incremental)
+  if ! zfs list -t snapshot ${TARGETDIR}@${TIME} >/dev/null
+  then
+   rsync -aq --delete $SOURCEDIR/$incremental/ /$TARGETDIR
+   TAG=$(echo $incremental | sed 's/\.[0-9]//')
+   zfs snapshot ${TARGETDIR}@${TIME}
+   zfs hold $TAG ${TARGETDIR}@${TIME}
+ else
+   echo Already synced ${TARGETDIR}@${TIME}
+ fi 
+ done
+ZPOOL=$(ensurezpool $2) 
+SN=$(echo $HN | sed 's/\..*$//')
+LV=$(ensurelv $SN)
+QUOTA=$(get_quota $LV)
+mount_lv $LV $HN
+ZFS=$(ensure_zfs $ZPOOL $HN $QUOTA)
+sync_backups $HN $ZFS
+umount_lv $HN
+if [ -f /etc/rsnapshot.conf.d/$HN ]
+  /usr/lib/chem-zfs-backup-server/new-backup-rsnapshot $HN
+  mv /etc/rsnapshot.conf.d/$HN /etc/rsnapshot.conf.d/attic
+rmdir /rsnapshots/${HN}