From 55182095dcb5eb929e6c7c98b8c752cf73fd12dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Catherine Pitt <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 13:12:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Navigation changes for compulsory photos

RT 230380: we want it to be compulsory for starters to have a photograph
taken and also get them to book an appointment for that via a third party
site. This updates the wording on the navigation page to point people to
the appointment system and tries to make it clear that having the
photograph isn't optional. Later on we will put something in place to
enforce that.
 chemistry_starters/static/css/style.css       |   4 +
 .../templates/navigation/index.html           | 127 +++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chemistry_starters/static/css/style.css b/chemistry_starters/static/css/style.css
index 1ea638e..fce0ae6 100644
--- a/chemistry_starters/static/css/style.css
+++ b/chemistry_starters/static/css/style.css
@@ -143,3 +143,7 @@ div.tasks-to-be-done li {
 .undone {
 	background-color: pink;
+.maybe-done {
+	background-color: pink;
diff --git a/chemistry_starters/templates/navigation/index.html b/chemistry_starters/templates/navigation/index.html
index e238adf..b7245ac 100644
--- a/chemistry_starters/templates/navigation/index.html
+++ b/chemistry_starters/templates/navigation/index.html
@@ -1,77 +1,114 @@
 {% extends 'root.html' %}
 {% block body %}
-{% set personal_details_url = url_for("person_role_details.person_role_details_form",_external=True,token=request.args.get("token")) %}
-{% set safety_checklist_url = url_for("safety_checklist.safety_checklist_form",_external=True,token=request.args.get("token")) %}
+{% set personal_details_url =
+url_for("person_role_details.person_role_details_form",_external=True,token=request.args.get("token")) %}
+{% set safety_checklist_url =
+url_for("safety_checklist.safety_checklist_form",_external=True,token=request.args.get("token")) %}
 <h1>Chemistry Starters Registration</h1>
 <p>Welcome to the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry online registration system.</p>
+<h3>Registration process progress</h3>
 {# Things the starter still needs to complete #}
 {% if not (person_role_form_complete and safety_checklist_complete) %}
 <div class="tasks-to-be-done">
-<p><em>You still need to carry out the following tasks:</em></p>
-  {% if not person_role_form_complete %}
-  <li class="undone">Complete and submit the personal details form at <a href="{{ personal_details_url }}">{{ personal_details_url }}</a>
-  </li>
-  {% endif %}
-  {% if not safety_checklist_complete %}
-  <li class="undone">Have your safety induction meeting. The person who gave you the link to the online registration system should have told you how to arrange that.</li>
-  {% if post_category is none %}<li class="undone">Possibly complete online safety training. Once the personal details form is complete this page and the safety checklist will be updated with details of any safety training you are required to complete.</li>{% else %}{% if safety_training_url is not none %}<li class="undone">Complete online safety training at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{{ safety_training_url }}">{{ safety_training_url }}</a></li>{% else %}<li>You do not need any additional safety training for your role</li>{% endif %}{% endif %}
-  <li class="undone">Complete and submit the safety checklist form to confirm you have had a safety induction meeting and completed any safety training required for your role. {% if person_role_form_complete %}The checklist is at <a href="{{ safety_checklist_url }}">{{ safety_checklist_url }}</a> .{% else %}The checklist will become available from this page once the personal details form is submitted.{% endif %}</li>
-  </li>
-  {% endif %}
+  <p><em>You need to carry out the following tasks:</em></p>
+  <ul>
+    {% if not person_role_form_complete %}
+    <li class="undone">Complete and submit the personal details form at <a href="{{ personal_details_url }}">{{
+        personal_details_url }}</a>
+    </li>
+    {% endif %}
+    {% if not safety_checklist_complete %}
+    <li class="undone">Have your safety induction meeting. The person who gave you the link to the online registration
+      system should have told you how to arrange that.</li>
+    {% if post_category is none %}<li class="undone">Possibly complete online safety training. Once the personal details
+      form is complete this page and the safety checklist will be updated with details of any safety training you are
+      required to complete.</li>{% else %}{% if safety_training_url is not none %}<li class="undone">Complete online
+      safety training at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{{ safety_training_url }}">{{
+        safety_training_url }}</a></li>{% else %}<li>You do not need any additional safety training for your role</li>{%
+    endif %}{% endif %}
+    <li class="undone">Complete and submit the safety checklist form to confirm you have had a safety induction meeting
+      and completed any safety training required for your role. {% if person_role_form_complete %}The checklist is at <a
+        href="{{ safety_checklist_url }}">{{ safety_checklist_url }}</a> .{% else %}The checklist will become available
+      from this page once the personal details form is submitted.{% endif %}</li>
+    </li>
+    {% endif %}
+  </ul>
 {% endif %}
 {# things third parties still need to do #}
-{% if (safety_training_signoff_needed and not safety_training_signed) or (safety_checklist_complete and not safety_checklist_signed) %}
+{% if (safety_training_signoff_needed and not safety_training_signed) or (safety_checklist_complete and not
+safety_checklist_signed) %}
 <div class="tasks-to-be-done">
-<p><em>Before your registration can be processed other people must carry out the following tasks</em>:</p>
-  {% if not safety_checklist_signed %}
-  <li>Once you have submitted the safety checklist it needs to be signed off as correct by {% if safety_checklist_checker is not none %}{{ safety_checklist_checker }}{% else %}the person who carried out your safety induction{% endif %}.{% if safety_checklist_complete %} They have been emailed with a copy and asked to do this. If you think the email has been missed you can ask {{ safety_checklist_checker }} to visit <a href="{{ url_for("safety_checklist.safety_checklist_signoff",_external=True,token=safety_check_token) }}">{{ url_for("safety_checklist.safety_checklist_signoff",_external=True,token=safety_check_token) }}</a> to do this instead.{% endif %}</li>
-  {% endif %}
-  {% if safety_training_signoff_needed and not safety_training_signed %}
-  <li>Once you have submitted the safety checklist, the Graduate Education Office will check you have successfully completed the safety training at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer" href="{{ safety_training_url }}">{{ safety_training_url }}</a>.</li>
-  {% endif %}
+  <p><em>Before your registration can be processed other people must carry out the following tasks</em>:</p>
+  <ul>
+    {% if not safety_checklist_signed %}
+    <li>Once you have submitted the safety checklist it needs to be signed off as correct by {% if
+      safety_checklist_checker is not none %}{{ safety_checklist_checker }}{% else %}the person who carried out your
+      safety induction{% endif %}.{% if safety_checklist_complete %} They have been emailed with a copy and asked to do
+      this. If you think the email has been missed you can ask {{ safety_checklist_checker }} to visit <a
+        href="{{ url_for(" safety_checklist.safety_checklist_signoff",_external=True,token=safety_check_token) }}">{{
+        url_for("safety_checklist.safety_checklist_signoff",_external=True,token=safety_check_token) }}</a> to do this
+      instead.{% endif %}</li>
+    {% endif %}
+    {% if safety_training_signoff_needed and not safety_training_signed %}
+    <li>Once you have submitted the safety checklist, the Graduate Education Office will check you have successfully
+      completed the safety training at <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferer" href="{{ safety_training_url }}">{{
+        safety_training_url }}</a>.</li>
+    {% endif %}
+  </ul>
 {% endif %}
 {# Things the starter has completed #}
 {% if person_role_form_complete or safety_checklist_complete %}
 <div class="tasks-to-be-done">
-<p>You have already completed these tasks:</p>
-  {% if person_role_form_complete %}
-  <li>Personal details form</li>
-  {% endif %}
-  {% if safety_checklist_complete %}
-  <li>Safety checklist</li>
-  {% endif %}
+  <p>You have already completed these tasks:</p>
+  <ul>
+    {% if person_role_form_complete %}
+    <li>Personal details form</li>
+    {% endif %}
+    {% if safety_checklist_complete %}
+    <li>Safety checklist</li>
+    {% endif %}
+  </ul>
 {% endif %}
 {# Things 3rd parties have completed #}
-{% if (safety_training_signoff_needed and safety_training_signed) or (safety_checklist_complete and safety_checklist_signed) %}
+{% if (safety_training_signoff_needed and safety_training_signed) or (safety_checklist_complete and
+safety_checklist_signed) %}
 <p>Other people have completed the following tasks:</p>
-  <ul>
   {% if (safety_training_signoff_needed and safety_training_signed) %}
-    <li>The Graduate Education Office has checked you have successfully completed safety training.</li>
+  <li>The Graduate Education Office has checked you have successfully completed safety training.</li>
   {% endif %}
   {% if safety_checklist_complete and safety_checklist_signed %}
   <li>{{ safety_checklist_checker }} has signed off your safety checklist as correct.</li>
   {% endif %}
-  </ul>
 {% endif %}
-{% if process_complete %}
-<p>Everything required for registration has been completed and your forms have been sent to the admin team for processing.</p>
-<p class="undone">Please contact Photography to arrange to have your photograph taken in your first week: <a href=""></a> / 36478 / <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="">Directions</a>.
-{% endif %}
-<p><em>Swipe card access and access to IT systems will only be granted after all steps are complete and the admin team have processed the data.</em></p>
+<div class="tasks-maybe-to-be-done">
+  <p class="maybe-done">It is a requirement that all new starters are photographed for Departmental purposes - <em>this
+      applies even if you already have a Cambridge University card</em>.
+    Please follow this link to make an appointment if you have not already: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
+      href=""></a>.
+    Directions to Photography can be found <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"
+      href="">here</a>.
+  </p>
+<h3>What happens next</h3>
+<p><em>Swipe card access and access to IT systems will only be granted after all registration steps are complete, your
+    photograph has been taken, and the admin team have processed the data.</em></p>
 {% endblock %}